Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Random things to know about moving to Naples…

You will not usually get your house for a while if you are living off base. The process takes a long time so start looking right when you arrive in Italy.
One good thing about living on base is you will have the same outlets you use in the states as well as European outlets.
The commissary has most of the things it has in the states but they run out of stuff extremely fast.. and the food doesn’t last..
You will smell burning trash when you walk out your front door. You also will see random fires on the sides of the highways/streets..(and you will not see fire trucks en route..)
Do not bring a nice car to Italy.. Italians drive like they are in bumper cars.
Itay is not cheaper than the United States.. Actually things seem to be more expensive.
Don’t let the Military tell you not to bring tall furniture. The houses in Italy are all just about the same height if not higher than the ones I have lived in the States.
Gas is extremely expensive. You get a certain amount of gas at a discounted price from the military but it is not enough if you are going to be traveling around Italy in your car.
The water is not even safe enough for your animals to drink..  Most people don’t even use it to boil water.
If you usually hit up the ATM before you go out.. go to the base and use the ATM there.. if you try and find an ATM out in town.. GOOD LUCK.. and when you do, good luck trying to get in to use the ATM.. usually you have to have a bank card from that bank to get in and use the ATM. Most places only accept cash.
We have not found a place to buy ice other than at the base. Apparently they don’t sell ice here in Italy..
Bring a GPS that you have already downloaded European maps on, or buy one here. Even with a GPS you will get lost and frustrated.
Always have euro coins on you when driving, you will hit a toll road somewhere..
Tipping in not normal in Italy from what I have read. Only 10-20% of people tip in Italy and that is if your service is exceptional. We have continued to tip though and we have heard that 4-5% is a good tip..
Check out this website it is like craigslist for Naples-
This website is where I got my tipping info-
Also go on Living Abroad in Naples Italy on Facebook. It is a group where you can ask questions or just read peoples questions and get a lot of answers.

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